LB Cebik [W4RNL]
‘Antennas From The Ground Up’ Articles
No. 1: Fantastic Feedlines
No. 2: The Resonant Half-Wavelength Center-Fed Antenna
No. 3: Azimuth and Elevation in Antenna Modelling
No. 4: Making a Dipole Fit the Space Available
No. 5: 135′ Center-Fed Multi-Band Dipole Data Compendium
No. 6: 102′ Center-Fed Multi-Band Dipole Data Compendium
No. 7: How to Make Your Tuner Work on Every Band
No. 8: Horizontal vs Vertical Antennas on the Low HF Bands
No. 9 Fundamentals of Off-Center Fed Dipoles
No. 10: Harmonic Operation of Off-Center Fed Dipoles [OCFs]
No. 11: 135′ Off-Center fed Multi-Band Dipole Data
No. 12: 135′ End-Fed Multi-Band Dipole Data Compendium
No. 13: Great Expectations – What Happens Along The a Length of Feedline
No. 14: A Good Match – ATUs, Delta, and Tuner Losses
No. 15: More on ATU Losses
No. 16: Noise, Antennas, and Receiving Systems
No. 17: Vertically Oriented Horizontal Loops
No. 18: Multiband Use of Vertically Oriented Horizontally Polarised 1WL Loops
No. 19: Vertically Oriented, Vertically Polarized 1 WL Loops
No. 20: SWR Facts and Fantasies
No. 21: A Short Look at Wire Beams
No. 22: Horizontal 80-Meter Multi-Band Loop Data Compendium
No. 23: Where to Place Your Impedance Matching Efforts
No. 24: The 75-Ohm Quarter Wavelength Matching Section
No. 25: Half-Wave Inverted-L Multi-Band Antenna Data Compendium
No. 26: 3/8th Wavelength Inverted-L Multi-Band Antenna Data Compendium
No. 27: Differentiating Among Many Types of Grounds
No. 28: Why Parasitic Beams Work
No. 29: Interesting Alternatives to the Yagi
No. 30: A Collection of Inverted-Vee Patterns
No. 31: Handling Parallel Feedlines
No. 32: When and Which Parallel Feedline to Use
No. 33: Unwanted Currents and Their Suppression
No. 34: The 44′ Doublet as a 40-10 Meter Wire Antenna
No. 35: Sorting Out Bi-Directional Phased Arrays
No. 36: The Dual Expanded Lazy-H for 80-10 Meters
No. 37: A Potpourri of Bent Dipoles
No. 38: A Collection of Quadrant Antenna Patterns
No. 39: A Nearly All-Band Vertical Doublet
No. 40: Terminated Wide-Band Folded Dipole Antenna
No. 41: The Terminated (Very) Long-Wire Antenna
No. 42: The Terminated Vee-Beam and Rhombic