New OQRS Portal for G0UIH/VK2IAY and 3D2FI Activations Now Available Online
If you’ve worked us whilst on DXpedition and need QSL confirmation, then cards can be ordered via our new online QSL Request Service [OQRS] portal here.
Welcome to – the online home of antenna and radio related projects
This site is run and administered by Steve [G0UIH/VK2IAY/3D2FI] who previously ran
‘Vortex Antenna Systems‘. Now retired, Steve would like to share with the radio community some of the many antenna designs and radio related projects he’s built over the years. Some are simple and straightforward – others were not so and caused many hours of head-scratching.

So moving forward…rather than just keep heaps of files on hard-drives gathering digital dust, we’ll put various real-world construction files on the site over the coming months and years – all will be free for you to download and use as you wish. All you need do is source the hardware.
Additionally, we’ve included a ‘Resources and Construction Library‘ where we’ve tried to include various sources to make constructing your antenna just that bit easier. There’s also PDF’s from renowned antenna expert LB Cebik – W4RNL [sk] – so hopefully, there’s enough info here to help you get your new project off the ground.

I hope there’s something here in the mix that you find useful, that you can build and will do a good job for you. In particular if you’re game – build a ‘Delta Loop‘. On simulation there’s not a big difference on performance figures between Yagi’s and Deltas. But on the air it’s really a ‘chalk ‘n’ cheese‘ affair – ask any Delta Loop owner. will always be a ‘Work in Progress’ affair.
I’ll look to add further content as and when time allows.
See the sidebar on the left of this page – ‘Articles and Content Coming During 2024/5‘
Here’s some frequent questions I’m asked….
Q: Do you still manufacture antennas and is ‘Vortex Antenna Systems’ still trading?
A: Vortex closed on 31/12/2020 as I have now retired from commercial manufacturing.
Q: A friend told me you are still producing some Delta Loops – is that correct?
A: Yes [to a point] – but only the odd one or two and not very often! I have various NOS hardware for some Delta Loops still available. I am happy to build a Delta Loop when time allows but as I’m semi-retired – you may have to wait a while. Currently, I can only ship antennas to a UK Address. When a production run happens – I’ll advertise what’s available here on
Check here to see what’s currently on offer.
Q: Do you offer any support for any previous Vortex products?
A: We informed the radio community via the website in June 2020 that support for all legacy Vortex products would cease on 31/12/2020
Q: Do you have any old stock left now Vortex has closed?
A: Yes – but stock is very limited but there is some NOS still in the workshop.
To see all the Vortex NOS info click here Vortex NOS [New Old Stock].
Q: I hear the Q82MKII is still available – is this true?
A: The Q82MKII continues to be available for UK shipping only [now called the ‘Q82MKII by G0UIH‘] and the build is the same as the Vortex version. However – I only build when time allows and they are not badged ‘Vortex’.
See all the info here at
Q: I’m doing my own homebrew build – can I email you questions to help me with problems?
A: I received many requests for this but the volume of enquiries made it unpractical. The only support currently offered is on antennas purchased directly from G0UIH after 1st January 2022
Q: Do you have any hardware or parts that I can purchase?
A: Sorry – whilst I’d like to help, I have no hardware for sale apart from the very limited Vortex NOS available on the site. We have some links to certain hardware suppliers that may be able to assist you with your project.
Look on the homepage of and on the left-hand navigation bar under
RESOURCES, FILES AND ANTENNA CONSTRUCTION LIBRARY. You may find some useful links there.
How to Contact Me
Contact Steve – G0UIH/VK2IAY at by using the email address below.
Note: This is an image to prevent bots from scanning so you can’t copy and paste it.